Can Physicalism give an account of pain?
Order Description
need a philosophy paper for my Writing & Argumentation course that argues in as much detail as possible the answer to the question Can Physicalism (and those who promote this set of beliefs) give a viable account of the experience of pain in humans?. Specifically, the philosopher Frank Jackson and his paper on epiphenomenal qualia is a main source of the arguments on the topic.
Can Physicalism give an account of pain?

Can Physicalism give an account of pain?

Can Physicalism give an account of pain?
Order Description
need a philosophy paper for my Writing & Argumentation course that argues in as much detail as possible the answer to the question “Can Physicalism (and those who promote this set of beliefs) give a viable account of the experience of pain in humans?”. Specifically, the philosopher Frank Jackson and his paper on epiphenomenal qualia is a main source of the arguments on the topic.
Can Physicalism give an account of pain?

Can Physicalism give an account of pain?
Order Description
need a philosophy paper for my Writing & Argumentation course that argues in as much detail as possible the answer to the question “Can Physicalism (and those who promote this set of beliefs) give a viable account of the experience of pain in humans?”. Specifically, the philosopher Frank Jackson and his paper on epiphenomenal qualia is a main source of the arguments on the topic.